
Emergency Preparedness, Recovery and Resiliency Task Force

The Presidential Task Force on Emergency Preparedness, Recovery and Resiliency is a response to recent extreme weather events, natural disasters and the national emergency from the COVID-19 pandemic. These events have heightened the nation’s collective awareness of the need for access to energy and the importance of ensuring the continued delivery of essential energy services. The intensified focus on protecting the reliability of our vulnerable energy systems and creating a more resilient infrastructure will enable the nation to better respond to future large-scale and catastrophic events. The task force is comprised of a balanced, diverse group of NARUC members, stakeholders and experts who will consider policy issues facing the regulatory community related to emergency preparedness, recovery and resiliency.

Completed Work Products

The EPRR Task Force has completed the following key deliverables:

Federal Funding Opportunities Guidebook

Lessons Learned from the Ongoing Response to the COVID-19 Crisis 


The task force will lead NARUC’s efforts in responding to and educating members about existing and emerging issues and opportunities associated with emergency preparedness, recovery and resiliency, including best practices, funding opportunities, resources and collaborative efforts. Considerations for the task force include available federal funding, the meaning of resiliency; the critical connections that exist between regulatory policy and implementation; the relationship between preparedness, response, and resilience; and the future of resiliency as it relates to a diverse and changing energy future.

The task force includes a Special Subcommittee comprised of and chaired by members of the task force to study the COVID-19 pandemic response. Specifically, the Special Subcommittee will gather, examine and analyze regulatory and industry actions, responses and lessons learned from COVID-19.


The primary goals of the Task Force on Emergency Preparedness, Recovery and Resiliency are to:

  1. Conduct research and provide ongoing education on federal funding to support pre- and post-disaster recovery and resiliency investments;
  2. Analyze the impact of construction standards on federal funding eligibility
  3. Support NARUC member preparedness in the event of a Black Sky event; and
  4. Provide education on COVID-19 lessons learned and best practices for the path forward.

The task force will convene sessions with the NARUC community via conference calls, webinars and at each of NARUC’s three annual national meetings, organize educational efforts within NARUC and serve as a resource for the association’s leadership on these programs. 

EPRR Task Force Meeting Materials

November 2020 EPRR Task Force Meeting Minutes

February 2021 EPRR Task Force Meeting Minutes

July 2021 EPRR Task Force Meeting Minutes