The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and the National Association of State Energy Officials formed the Advanced Nuclear State Collaborative (ANSC) with support from the U.S. Department of Energy in 2023. The ANSC convenes state utility regulators and State Energy Officials to enhance collective understanding of the unique regulatory and policy questions surrounding the consideration and deployment of new nuclear generation and support peer learning across states.
The ANSC is an initiative of the Nuclear Energy Partnership, a multi-year cooperative agreement established in January 2021 between DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy and NARUC.
NARUC and NASEO members can join the ANSC at any time by submitting an expression of interest to NARUC staff describing their state’s interest in advanced nuclear generation and active state initiatives to consider or deploy new nuclear.
For non-NARUC or NASEO members interested in learning more about the ANSC and joining upcoming events open to the public, please contact NARUC staff to be placed on an email distribution list.
Energy and Industrial Use Cases for Advanced Nuclear Reactors, October 2024
This report offers a comprehensive overview of potential alternative use cases for advanced nuclear energy, highlighting key considerations and critical questions for state utility regulators and State Energy Offices.
Coal to Nuclear Repowering: Considerations for State Energy Offices and Public Utility Commissions, April 2024
This report highlights some of the benefits and challenges associated with the coal to nuclear repowering process, with a particular focus on the policy, programmatic, and regulatory considerations of relevance to State Energy Offices and Public Utility Commissions.
The Advanced Nuclear State Action tracker provides an overview of state activities that may impact states' advanced nuclear efforts. This tracker focuses on highlighting advanced nuclear activities and partnerships involving state government entities.
2025 ANSC Site Visit to Charlotte, NC, April 14-16, 2025
NARUC-NASEO Advanced Nuclear State Collaborative members are invited to participate in a site visit to Charlotte, NC which will include a tour of the Catawba Nuclear Plant, EPRI Research Labs, and presentations from North Carolina utilities and industry experts on advanced nuclear development in the state. Tours and activities are scheduled for April 15th and 16th with April 14th and the afternoon of April 16th planned as travel days.
Register here
NARUC-NASEO Advanced Nuclear State Collaborative Webinar: Updated Pathways to Advanced Nuclear Commercial Liftoff, October 28, 2024
View slidesThe recently released update to the May 2023 Advanced Nuclear Commercial Liftoff Report provides a refreshed picture of the nuclear landscape as the current reactor fleet is renewing existing operating licenses, exploring the restart or extension of plants slated to close early, and contemplating investments in capacity uprates. In this period, major technological, political, and economic developments have also changed the playing field for advanced reactors of all sizes. Julie Kozeracki, Director of Strategy, Loan Programs Office, U.S. Department of Energy, one of the report's primary authors, discussed updates to the report and outlined a vision for the commercialization of the advanced nuclear industry. Hon. Michael Carrigan, Illinois Commerce Commission moderated the webinar.
NASEO-NARUC Advanced Nuclear State Collaborative Webinar: Nuclear Power Plant Uprates, August 13, 2024
View recordingUprates refer to processes used to generate more electricity from existing nuclear power plants. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved 171 uprates resulting in over 8,000 MW of additional generation on the grid (as of January 2022). As demand grows for clean firm power, utilities and independent power producers are giving fresh consideration to uprates. This webinar will explore the three common types of power uprates, their potential to increase capacity across the existing U.S. nuclear fleet, how plant owners analyze costs and benefits of uprates to come to investment decisions, and the role of state and federal regulators.
Moderator: Alyse Peterson, Senior Advisor for Nuclear Coordination and Radioactive Waste Policy, New York State Energy Research and Development AuthorityNASEO-NARUC Advanced Nuclear State Collaborative Webinar: Facilitating Equitable Community Engagement to Support the Deployment of Advanced Nuclear, August 17, 2023
State Energy Offices and state utility regulators are exploring ways to support advanced nuclear through programs, policies, plans, and regulations in order to harness the different benefits this innovative technology can provide including decarbonization, resilience, and economic development and workforce opportunities. Key to ensuring advanced nuclear projects are deployed in a just and equitable way is to better understand who states should be engaging with and when, what community concerns may be, and what a community-driven planning process would look like. This webinar provided an opportunity for states to hear from speakers from the government and non-profit sectors and discuss some of the questions and challenges they have around community engagement and advanced nuclear.
Nuclear Energy Partnership Briefing on Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Advanced Nuclear Report, June 22, 2:00 - 3:00 pm ET
The U.S. Department of Energy Loan Programs Office joined the DOE-NARUC Nuclear Energy Partnership to provide a briefing on the Department's recent publication, "Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Advanced Nuclear." This report provides industry partners and stakeholder with a valuable, engagement-driven resource on how and when advanced nuclear technologies can reach full scale deployment.
Moderator: Hon. Brent Bailey, Mississippi Public Service Commission
Speaker: Julie Kozeracki, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of Energy, Loan Programs Office
Site Visit to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Framatome in Richland, Washington: In-Person ANSC Launch Workshop, April 25 – 28, 2023
NARUC and NASEO facilitated a delegation of state members to Richland, Washington on April 25 – 28 comprised of 38 state public utility commissioners, PUC staff, and state energy office participants representing 24 different states. The trip included tours of nuclear energy research facilities at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and Framatome’s nuclear fuel manufacturing facility, in addition to an in-person kickoff meeting for members of the ANSC. This visit was made possible by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-NARUC Nuclear Energy Partnership, a cooperative agreement between NARUC and the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy.
Virtual ANSC Introduction Call for ANSC and NEP Members, April 20, 2023
This welcome call was held for all ANSC and NEP members to introduce them to NARUC and NASEO staff supporting the ANSC, provide a summary of introductory needs assessment calls with state members, and a 101-level presentation on advanced nuclear reactor technologies and licensing processes.
Contact NARUC staff for slides, available to NARUC and NASEO members only
NARUC-NASEO ANSC Member Briefing: Status and Challenges of Restarting and Extending Nuclear Generation in California and Michigan, May 2
This meeting is limited to NASEO and NARUC members and invited DOE guests only. Contact NARUC staff for more information.
NASEO-NARUC-NGA Nuclear Site Visit to Knoxville, TN, April 24 - 26
Registration has closed for this activity.
NASEO-NARUC ANSC Peer Sharing Meeting: ANSC State Advanced Nuclear Action Tracker Release and Member Roundtable, January 30
NARUC-NASEO ANSC Webinar: Evaluating Nuclear Waste Considerations for Advanced Nuclear Deployment, September 27, 2023
View recording
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NASEO-NARUC ANSC Briefing: Status and Challenges of Restarting and Extending Nuclear Generation in California and Michigan, May 2
This meeting is limited to NASEO and NARUC members and invited DOE guests only. Contact NARUC staff for information.
2024 Nuclear Site Visit to Knoxville, TN, April 24 - 26
Staff from the following public utility commissions and State Energy Offices participate in the ANSC:
The Advanced Nuclear State Collaborative is made possible through the Nuclear Energy Partnership between NARUC and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy, in partnership with the National Association of State Energy Officials. NARUC is grateful for DOE’s support and NASEO’s partnership to enable this valuable program.
NARUC and NASEO recognize the value of engaging with and hearing from private sector, industry, environmental organizations, and other partners throughout this process, and, as such, there will be opportunities for non-NARUC and non-NASEO members to participate in ANSC activities. Click here to learn more.
NARUC and NASEO staff experts who support these activities: