Core Sector: Electricity/Energy

Storage Resource Library

NARUC has developed a list of resources divided into key topic areas to enable further learning on energy storage challenges, potential solutions, and technologies. The resource library was developed through the consultation of federal partners, national laboratories, and NARUC members. The library is not comprehensive and is intended to grow and develop with changes in the energy storage technology and policy landscape. The links included below are provided to share relevant resources but are not endorsed by NARUC or its members. If you have any recommendations for resources to add or remove, please contact Jeff Loiter.  

Table 1: Resource Library Topic Areas


Topic Area



General/Policy Analysis




  • Behind-The-Meter Adoption
  • Cost
  • Valuing Benefits/Cost-Benefit Analyses
  • Compensation
  • Transmission and Distribution Coordination
    • Distribution
    • BPS/Transmission
    • Resource Adequacy and Reliability
  • Interconnection (Distribution and Transmission)
  • Equity



  • Overview
  • Long Duration Energy Storage
  • Shorter Duration Energy Storage
  • Reuse/Recycling







State Examples

  • California
  • Illinois
  • Sandia National Laboratories Webinar Series (2020-2022)


Use Cases

  • Resilience
  • Microgrids


Federal/National Policies and Examples


Topic 1 – General/Policy Analysis


Topic 2 – Planning/Regulatory

Behind-The-Meter Adoption


Valuing Benefits/Cost-Benefit Analyses:


Transmission and Distribution Coordination

Interconnection (Distribution and Transmission)


  • Kerby, Jessica, Hardy, Trevor, Twitchell, Jeremy, O’Neil, Rebecca, and Bethel Tarekegne. “A targeted approach to energy burden reduction measures: Comparing the effects of energy storage, rooftop solar, weatherization, and energy efficiency upgrades.” Energy Policy. 2024.
    • Study examining responses to energy burden reduction measures in a simulated environment, finding that energy storage provided the most consistent bill savings.
  • McNamara, Will, Passell, Howard, Montes, Marisa, Jeffers, Robert, and Imre Gyuk. “Seeking energy equity through energy storage.” The Electricity Journal. December 2021.
    • Paper exploring how energy storage can help provide energy equity to all populations.
  • Tarekegne, Bethel, O’Neil, Rebecca, and Jeremy Twitchell. “Energy Storage and Power Plant Decommissioning.” Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. October 2021.
    • Report discussing how strategic integration of energy storage in power plant decommissioning plans can mitigate negative effects while providing energy system, environmental, and society co-benefits.
  • Tarekegne, Bethel, O’Neil, Rebecca, and Jeremy Twitchell. “Energy Storage as an Equity Asset.” Current Sustainable Renewable Energy Reports. May 2021.
    • Discussion of how energy storage deployment could be used to advance equitable outcomes for the power system. Includes a discussion on the equity dimensions of storage project design and implementations.


Topic 3 – Technologies


  • Advanced Energy United. “This is Advanced Energy.” Advanced Energy United. 2016. 
    • Comprehensive overview of electricity-generating and electricity-adjacent technologies, including storage technologies.
  • SNL and DOE. “U.S. DOE Energy Storage Handbook.” Sandia National Laboratories and Department of Energy.
    • Overview of the fundamental concepts and applications of grid-level energy storage systems.

Long Duration Energy Storage

Shorter Duration Energy Storage


  • Recell Center. “ReCell: Advanced Battery Recycling.” Department of Energy. 
    • Website dedicated to a national collaboration of industry, academia, and national laboratories to advance recycling technologies along the battery life-cycle.


Topic 4 – Siting

  • Twitchell, Jeremy, Powell, Devyn, and Matthew Paiss. “Energy Storage in Local Zoning Ordinances.” Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. October 2023.
    • Provides overview of battery storage systems from a land-use perspective and describes their implications for zoning and project permitting. Also includes analysis of current energy storage zoning standards adopted by local jurisdictions in the U.S.
  • Watson, Kevin. “Best Practices and Considerations for Siting Battery Storage Systems.” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. May 2022.
    • Guided questions detailing best practices for siting battery storage systems.  
  • New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. “New York State Battery Energy Storage System Guidebook.” NYSERDA. December 2020.
    • Guidebook containing information, tools, and step-by-step instructions to help local governments manage battery energy storage system development in their communities.


Topic 5 – Safety


Topic 6 – State Examples



Sandia National Laboratories Webinar Series (2020 – 2022)

  • New Mexico: Webinars focused on energy storage for meeting peak load and generation and transmission deferral, the programs, policies, and carbon impacts of energy storage, and use applications, including resilience.
  • New Jersey: Webinars included an introduction to energy storage systems, economics, and policy, the role of electricity delivery companies and private markets in energy storage, energy storage economics, valuation, and cost benefit analyses, and the role of energy storage in overburdened communities, peak shaving, and peaker replacement.
  • Wisconsin: Webinar series included introductory information on energy storage, energy storage economics, programs, policies, and carbon impacts of energy storage, engineering details, policy issues and equity, and new technologies other than Lithium-Ion.
  • Washington, D.C.: Webinar series included information on BCAs, Interconnection & Safety, Equity, Policy, and Energy Storage Second Life.
  • Vermont: Webinar series included information on installation and operation of energy storage facilities, energy storage aggregation, and neighbor state implementation and marketization.
  • Hawaii: Webinar series included information on emerging energy storage technologies and applications, equity, resilience, and policy, energy storage valuation modeling, and case studies of deployed energy storage technologies.
  • NECPUC: Webinar series included information on decarbonization and energy storage, the value of storage, storage interconnection, codes, and standards, federal and regional storage issues, best practices and equity, and a regional roundtable of storage policy in Northeastern states.


Topic 7 – Use Cases 



  • SNL. “Microgrids and Energy Storage for Emergency Grid Resilience Webinar Series.” Sandia National Laboratories. 2021-2022.
    • Webinar series included information on stakeholder needs, microgrid and energy storage applications for resilience and energy equity, microgrid and energy storage applications for emergency grid resilience policy and regulatory topics, and engineering challenges


Topic 8 – Federal/National Policies and Examples