Center for Partnerships & Innovation

Technical Assistance & Training

Public utility commissions constantly face new and complex issues at the intersections of technology, engineering, policy, accounting and finance, regulation, and more. NARUC convenes members and experts, develops resources, and delivers training for Commissioners and commission staff across the country on a wide variety of energy topics relevant to utility regulation. In addition, NARUC connects commissions with technical assistance and support opportunities from the federal government and the U.S. Department of Energy's National Laboratories.

NARUC CPI produces numerous publications each year to help support public utility commissions. These publications include foundational explanatory guides, how to materials, questions that commissions can ask their utilities, ‘state of the states’ resources, frameworks for decision making, and more

  • CPI Publications Page
    In addition to posting new resources on topically relevant webpages, CPI provides a central location for access to all recent publications, with newest materials at the top.
  • CPI Factsheet
    The CPI two-page factsheet includes links to recently released resources and recordings, registration links for virtual and in-person trainings, forthcoming engagement opportunities, and contact information for NARUC CPI staff. The factsheet is updated in advance of each NARUC conference (three times per year).

  • On-Demand, Video-Based Learning Modules
    NARUC hosts virtual training events with experts on electricity-related topics throughout each year. Video recordings are posted on NARUC’s YouTube channel and linked within topical webpages. Quick links are available for: electricity system planning, distribution systems and planning, innovations in electricity modeling, bulk power system issues, smart grid and EV interoperability.

  • On-Demand, Video-Based Learning Modules in Spanish
    In 2022, NARUC released more than 70 Spanish-language training videos on a range of electricity distribution systems topics. These learning modules include an introduction to regulation, distribution systems and planning, bulk power system issues, innovations in electricity system modeling, smart grid and electric vehicle interoperability, and more. The videos are intended to serve as a resource for public utility commissions in their efforts to increase stakeholder access and education for non-English speaking audiences on relevant regulatory issues.
  • DOE Technical Assistance for State Public Utility Commissions
    The Resources and Assistance for State Energy Offices and Regulators program is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy as well as the Office of Electricity. The program is offered in conjunction with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The goal of the program is to provide high-impact technical assistance and resources at scales and intervals that are responsive to public utility commissions (PUC) and state energy offices (SEO) needs through multi-modal support options. It is designed to be responsive to a rapidly changing regulatory and policy landscape that seeks to match the timing and depth of questions with National Laboratory subject matter experts (SME) on key topical areas. Applications for assistance are open on a rolling basis.

  • On January 20, 2023, DOE leaders from the Office of Electricity and Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy shared information about ongoing and new technical assistance programs available to state public utility commissions. View presentation.


In addition to three national conferences per year, NARUC routinely hosts virtual and in-person educational events. Topical pages within this website include links to recent and upcoming webinars, including recordings and presentation materials. The NARUC calendar includes links to NARUC’s twice annual Rate School, affiliated university training programs, and the live online Regulatory Training Initiative.

  • CPI Events Page
    CPI provides an events page available on its section of the NARUC website that lists upcoming CPI events in chronological order. The CPI Events page is the most up-to-date place to learn about upcoming free virtual and in-person NARUC-hosted trainings, site visits, and workshops.

CPI facilitates various state working groups open to any Commissioner or commission staff interested in learning from experts and collaborating with peers across the country.

Electric Vehicles State Working Group: Reflecting the rise in electric vehicle adoption and related investments and the increased interest from utilities and commissions, NARUC facilitates a learning group on electric vehicles. Members hear from experts and peers and discuss regulatory topics related to EVs during monthly webinars. This working group meets monthly. To express interest and for questions, contact Robert Bennett.

Transmission State Working Group: Efficient development and deployment of transmission is essential to prepare for the grid needs of the future. This working group brings together state utility commissioners and commission staff in 6 meetings per year to explore the commission role and influence on transmission development and evaluation. This working group meets bi-monthly. To express interest and for questions, contact Deborah Reynolds.

Performance-Based Regulation State Working Group: Several public utility commissions, state legislatures, and utilities are exploring alternative ratemaking, including performance-based (PBR). NARUC facilitates the PBR State Working Group, which meets six times per year (usually virtually) to support commissioners and commission staff in exploring the degree to which PBR can be a useful tool for balancing the interests of customers and financial requirements for utilities. This working group meets bi-monthly. To express interest and for questions, contact Jeff Loiter.

Workforce Development Peer Advisory Group: As public agencies, commissions face numerous workforce development challenges related to hiring, growth and development of staff, implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion principles, and more. NARUC facilitates peer advisory group meetings for open dialogue among state commissioners and commission staff to discuss challenges and successful strategies. This working group meets bi-monthly. To express interest and for questions, contact Hyleah O'Quinn.

NARUC-NASEO Microgrid State Working Group: Microgrids can provide reliable, resilient, affordable, and efficient power to critical infrastructure and other electricity consumers, yet technology, policy, and costs barriers remain. This working group brings together Public Utility Commissions and State Energy Offices to participate in facilitated virtual and in-person discussions. The group explores state needs for microgrids, barriers to broader deployment, and strategies to increase adoption. This working group meets quarterly. To express interest and for questions, contact Kiera Zitelman.

NASEO-NARUC Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings Working Group: The purpose of advancing Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEBs) and demand flexibility is to optimize energy management by using sensors, analytics, and smart controls to best serve the needs of customers while considering the grid and external conditions (e.g., peak loads and weather). This working group brings together State Energy Officials and state utility commissioners and commission staff to explore opportunities, barriers, and implications of demand flexibility. This working group meets quarterly. To express interest and for questions, contact Jeff Loiter.


NARUC is grateful for the support of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity, DOE Grid Deployment Office, DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, and National Institute for Standards and Technology which enable the resources and activities described on this webpage.

National Laboratory Partners:

  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
  • Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

More Information

NARUC staff experts who support these activities include: