
NARUC-NASEO Advanced Nuclear State Collaborative Webinar: Nuclear Power Plant Uprates

August 13, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT Register Now!


Uprates refer to processes used to generate more electricity from existing nuclear power plants. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved 171 uprates resulting in over 8,000 MW of additional generation on the grid (as of January 2022). As demand grows for clean firm power, utilities and independent power producers are giving fresh consideration to uprates. This webinar will explore the three common types of power uprates, their potential to increase capacity across the existing U.S. nuclear fleet, how plant owners analyze costs and benefits of uprates to come to investment decisions, and the role of state and federal regulators.

Moderator: Alyse Peterson, Senior Advisor for Nuclear Coordination and Radioactive Waste Policy, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority


  • Chris Weigand, Senior Technical Executive, Electric Power Research Institute
  • William Orders, Senior Licensing Project Manager, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Constellation Energy (invited)