April 30 - May 2, 2024
Location: University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
The FRI Advanced Seminar on Transformational Utility Pricing and Rate Design focuses on the theory and application of utility ratemaking and pricing to address the transformation of the industry. This year’s seminar will include two distinct tracks; one focused on water and wastewater, the other focused on electricity and natural gas. Attendees will gain intensive exposure to content through presentations, discussions, case studies, and group exercises lead by experts from a unique cross section of former utility executives, past regulators and commission staffers, consumer advocates, academicians, and consultants. Selection of our instructors from such a population will provide balance in the seminar’s content and allow for topic discussion from all perspectives. Registration begins in February.
Contact: Cheryl Byrd, (573) 882-3800, byrdch@missouri.edu