
Innovation Webinar: Rate Design for 24/7 Carbon Free Electricity

Thursday, February 15, 2024 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM Eastern

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Energy buyers – both public and private – are increasingly setting targets to procure 100% of their electricity from carbon-free sources every hour of the day. The transition to time-stamped renewable energy certificates (RECs) and hourly matching can provide credible proof of 24/7 carbon-free energy procurement, while delivering an important price signal for energy storage and flexibility. Thoughtful rate design is necessary to enable utilities to offer hourly REC matching programs to the organizations that are demanding them without adverse effects on non-participating ratepayers. This panel will discuss recent progress on hourly matching tariffs, technical challenges, and creative solutions to unlock the transition to 24/7 CFE.

Moderator: Hon. Stacey Paradis, Commissioner, Illinois Commerce Commission


  • Carl Linvill, Principal, Regulatory Assistance Project
  • Ted Thomas, Founder, Energize Strategies
  • Shawn Bennett, Director for Clean Energy, Council on Environmental Quality
  • Katie Soroye, Vice President, Granular Procurement Solutions, LevelTen Energy