
Natural Gas Partnership Site Visit, Denver, Colorado

March 25-27, 2024 | Denver, CO | Open to commissioners and commission staff 

State utility commissioners and commission staff are invited to join a NARUC delegation to tour gas production and research sites in the Denver area and hear from state officials and gas stakeholders about the regulatory landscape for natural gas on March 25-27. This site visit will provide NARUC members with opportunities to learn about continuous methane monitoring equipment and independent certification, observe current methane emissions quantification technologies, and connect with fellow commissioners and experts.

Commissioners and commission staff may RSVP using this form. Travel reimbursement funding is available to commissioners via NARUC’s partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management. Travel must be in accordance with federal rules and commissioners must receive pre-authorization and reimbursement instructions from NARUC before booking. Commission staff may attend at their own expense. Contact Kathryn Kline ( to RSVP or ask questions.