
NMSU Center for Public Utilities "The Basics" Practical Regulatory Training for the Natural Gas Local Distribution (LDC) Industry

This course specifically designed to capture the nuances of the natural gas local distribution (LDC) industry. The course includes the following topics: Overview of the Natural Gas LDC Industry Industry Structure and Regulation Federal and State Jurisdictions Gas Procurement and Gas Cost Recovery Gas Cost Hedging Revenue Requirements Class Cost-of-Service Rate Design Special Topics Process & Procedures of a Rate Case This course will give attendees practical analytical skills needed to understand the topics covered as well as an integrated framework showing how they fit together. Through a combination of lectures, discussion, and integrated problems. This courses provides the analytical skills necessary to be more productive in the changing utility environment. Attendees with less than one year's experience in the regulatory arena and anyone wishing to obtain a basic understanding of the principles involved should attend one of the courses.

Contact: Cindy Blume,