
RTI - Artificial Intelligence for Utility Regulators: Navigating Opportunities and Risks

March 4, 5, 6, 2025, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Each Day

This three-day online RTI course presented by the staff of the University of Florida Public Utility Research Center provides an introduction to the key concepts, applications, and risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Directed to regulators and utility stakeholders, the course balances theory with practical problem solving. Days 1 and 2 of the program provide an introduction to AI, including definitions and applications, a review of the different types of AI, and an overview of AI applications for public utilities, case studies of the uses of AI, and a discussion of the ethical and legal challenges inherent in this developing technology. Day 3 will be a review of case studies, including hands-on work by course participants.


Fees: $225 NARUC Members; $425 all others