
NARUC Bulk Power System Learning Modules Spring 2024 Module 2

The next series of three BPS learning modules will be held on April 2, 11, and 16, 2024 from 1:00-3:30 p.m. ET. Registration will open in early March. The series will explore the following topics, featuring experts from the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), E3, Synapse Energy Economics, Organization of MISO States (OMS), the Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment Office, and others:

Tuesday, April 2 | Accounting for a Rapidly Changing Resource Mix: The Latest Developments for Capacity Accreditation, Register Now

  • Fundamentals and history of capacity accreditation
  • Implications of marginal vs. average Effective Load Carrying Capability (ELCC) 
  • A review of the latest developments in ISO/RTOs across the country
  • “Perfect capacity” and other design considerations for accreditation

Thursday, April 11 | Changing Considerations for Integrated Resource Planning (IRPs) for Systems in Transition, Register Now

  • Overview of a standard IRP process; examining best practices through case studies 
  • Advanced energy modeling considerations and the changing regulatory scope 
  • Accounting for uncommon resources in planning models 
  • Regional reliability impacts of additions and retirements

Tuesday, April 16 | Regional and Interregional Transmission Planning: Fundamentals and Changing Dynamics, Register Now

  • Overview of development landscape, drivers, cost allocation, and who’s responsible for what
  • Regulatory processes: single state vs. regional transmission planning
  • Understanding transmission seams issues  
  • New National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor (NIETC) Designation Process  

See the Bulk Power System Learning Modules page to find the agenda and learn more.