
Staff Surge Call on Attribution for Energy Efficiency Programs Funded by IRA/BIL

October 8, 2024 | Open to commission staff only | Contact Robert Bennett at to join

States are preparing to direct billions of dollars in federal funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) to improve efficiency in residential and commercial buildings. That funding can potentially build on energy efficiency programs that utilities already administer to deliver energy savings. The challenge is that much of this IRA and BIL funding will go to programs administered by state energy offices and not utilities. This creates an issue of who is attributed the energy savings. Thus, utilities are less incentivized to invest in efficiency if they cannot receive credit for the energy savings under state law or regulation.


Join this call to hear how Commission staff (and NASEO staff?) are handling this issue and learn more about lessons learned on attribution methodology, utility cost-effectiveness tests, and collaboration between state energy offices, regulators, and utilities.