
All International News

February 28, 2025
Celebrating 26 Years of NARUC's International Programs
In accordance with the U.S. President’s Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid, issued on January 24, 2025, the United States Agency for International Development and the U.S. State Department directed the suspension and termination of various grant-funded projects, including those under NARUC’s International Programs. In response to this, NARUC has made the difficult but necessary decision to wind down its International Programs in early March 2025 given the lack of federal funding support. NARUC has worked in the regulatory community for the past 26 years, and many recipients of direct technical support have gone on to European Union accession and then become strong partners in implementing NARUC’s technical assistance projects around the world. NARUC’s initial work with regulators in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union paved the way to working with energy regulators in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, and the Pacific Islands.
January 10, 2025
USAID & NARUC AWLE Initiative - Results per Country
This flyer details results per country participating in the USAID and NARUC Advancing Women Leaders in Energy (AWLE) Initiative as of January 2025.
January 7, 2025
Interns from Armenia and Kosovo Share Newly Gained Perspectives on Regulation, Career Path Development, and Gender Balance in the Energy Sector
With funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), NARUC is introducing young women to careers in the energy sector through its Women in Energy Internship Program, which began in 2023 and is part of a larger Advancing Women Leaders in Energy (AWLE) initiative. NARUC connected with two interns placed at the Energy Regulatory Office of Kosovo (ERO) – Edona Ahmeti and Gresa Salihi – as well as Angela Hakobyan, an intern from the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) of Armenia – to learn about their experiences during the internship program.
October 16, 2024
Regulation on the Transmission System Operator’s Responsibilities During Emergency and Restoration (Template)
October 2024 - With USAID support, NARUC works to empower energy regulators from the Europe and Eurasia region in establishing emergency response coordination protocols to strengthen the energy security and resilience of their energy sectors. As part of this effort, we have developed an emergency preparedness regulation template for the electricity sector that will help regulators to ensure compliance with European Union requirements. It can be customized to fit country-specific needs, and contains guiding comments that incorporate regulatory best practices.
August 5, 2024
Moldovan Regulator Makes Strides in Building Trust with the Public, Communicating with Stakeholders, and Responding to Energy Crises
With support from USAID and NARUC, the National Agency for Energy Regulation of Moldova (ANRE) finalized and approved a new communications strategy for 2024-2027. By establishing a strategic plan that delivers cohesive messages on the commission’s roles, responsibilities, and achievements, ANRE can better convey its value proposition to the public and foster effective collaboration across energy stakeholders that enables a unified approach toward achieving market development goals. The finalization of the strategy also supports USAID’s U.S.-Europe Energy Bridge goal of bolstering the resilience of critical infrastructure by empowering ANRE staff to respond more efficiently to crises that affect energy prices and supply, such as geopolitical events, natural disasters, and cyberattacks.
June 3, 2024
Activity calendar - June 2024
We are currently recruiting volunteers for activities in the coming months, with opportunities for NARUC members and energy experts to support our projects in renewable energy integration, public communications, and other fields.
April 30, 2024
Get Involved with NARUC's International Programs!
Webinar on April 30, 2024 Are you interested in helping to improve the quality and effectiveness of energy regulation in developing countries around the world by sharing your knowledge and experiences working in the energy sector? If so, we invite you to learn more about NARUC's International Programs, including where we work, the types of work we do, and how to become an expert volunteer for our activities abroad. We will also explore the benefits of volunteering, including professional development, collaborating with your peers, and learning about other parts of the world, to name a few.
April 15, 2024
Human Resources Departments at Georgian, Moldovan, and Ukrainian Commissions Take Measures to Improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Published in April 2024, this feature story highlights how the Human Resources (HR) departments of the National Agency for Energy Regulation of Moldova, the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission, and the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission of Ukraine are improving their HR frameworks and countering limiting socio-cultural norms to build a more inclusive workforce.
March 18, 2024
Moroccan Regulator Drives Energy Sector Growth and Prioritizes Sustainable Development
Published in March 2024, this feature story highlights support for the Moroccan regulator to establish strong regulatory frameworks for sustainable development within the energy sector and ensure the right conditions are in place to attract private investment.
March 12, 2024
Regulators in Europe and Eurasia Launch Competitive Electricity Markets and Lay Foundation for Regional Market Integration
Published in March 2024, this feature story highlights cooperation among national regulatory authorities in the Europe and Eurasia region to couple their respective markets and become part of the single European market for electricity.
February 14, 2024
Nigerian Regulator Advances Electricity Reliability and Market Reform through Eligible Customer Rule
This feature story was published in 2017. In November 2017, NERC issued its eligible customer regulations, declaring that certain electricity customers could buy power directly from generation companies after being declared eligible by NERC. This feature story notes that these new arrangements are expected to open the flow of money and electric power in the sector, which has been bogged down by monopoly service and inflexible contractual arrangements.
February 14, 2024
Nigerian Regulators Advances Key Accounting Tool to Support Electricity Sector Improvement
Published in October 2018, this feature story documents NERC’s announcement of the implementation of USoA. As part of the announcement, NERC also set requirements that licensees file regular financial reports based on the USoA.
February 5, 2024
Internship at Kenyan Electricity Regulator Sets Young Woman on Path to Career Success
Published in February 2018, this feature story follows Monicah Kitili, who was an intern at the Kenya Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), Monicah was in the first cohort of young women participating in the Women in Energy Regulation Internship program, which fosters interest and advances career opportunities for young women in energy regulation.
February 5, 2024
Kenyan Regulator Honored For Work to Improve Energy Efficiency
Published in May 2017, this feature story highlights how Eustace Murithi Njeru of the Kenya Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) earned the honor of 2016 Energy Engineer of the Year for the Sub-Saharan Africa Region. Mr. Njeru was honored in particular for his work developing and implementing the Energy (Energy Management) Regulations, 2012, in Kenya.
February 5, 2024
Kenyan Regulators Advance Open Access Market Framework and Rule to Expand Electricity Access and Promote Regional Power Trade
Published in June 2020, this feature story highlights support for the Kenya Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) as it works toward a more transparent electricity transmission and distribution system through the development of a Transmission Open Access Market Framework and Rule, which is expected to encourage competition in the electricity sector and help spur economic growth.
February 5, 2024
The Impact of the NARUC Women in Energy Regulation Internship Program on Current and Former Interns
Published in May 2020, this feature story features perspectives from two interns - one from Tanzania and one from Kenya - about their experiences participating in the Women in Energy Regulation Internship Program.
February 5, 2024
USAID Supports Intern at Kenyan Energy Regulator to Learn 'Soft Skills' and Reach Career Goals
Published in March 2018, this feature story highlights the experiences of Margaret Jeruiyot Ayabei, who was an intern at the Kenya regulator through the Women in Energy Regulation Internship Program. She notes that the soft skills she learned as an intern would help her reach her goals and advance the goals of her future employers.
January 31, 2024
Rwandan Regulator Aims to Improve Power Purchase Agreements
Published in September 2016, this feature story highlights support for the Rwandan regulator to strengthen its ability to evaluate and review power purchase agreements. Given the significant financial implications for electricity ratepayers and Rwandan taxpayers, RURA officials want to be sure that projects are cost-effective, viable, and in the interest of consumers and the country.
January 31, 2024
Rwandan Regulator Improves PPA Review, Stakeholder Engagement
Published in May 2017, this feature story highlights how the Rwandan regulator has succeeded in building a more effective and efficient power purchase agreement review process, work that is already producing notable successes.
January 31, 2024
Senegalese Regulators Make Progress towards Diversifying the Energy Market and Creating a Healthy Investment Climate (French translation)
This is the French translation of a feature story published in May 2021.
January 26, 2024
An Interview with Dr. Marsha Atherley-Ikechi on the Role of Renewable Energy in Creating a Resilient Future for Barbados' Energy Sector
Published in August 2022, this feature story highlights support for the Barbados Fair Trading Commission as it seeks to implement long-term renewable energy integration efforts aligned with the energy reforms mandated in national legislation.
January 26, 2024
An Interview with Elijah Sichone, Executive Director of the Regional Electricity Regulators Association of Southern Africa, on the Importance of Integrating Distributed Energy Resources and Developing a Regional Energy Market
Published in March 2023, this feature story contains an interview with Elijah Sichone, Executive Director of RERA, to discuss a number of topics related to energy sector goals for the SADC region, including the role of distributed energy resources in furthering regional interconnection.
January 26, 2024
An Interview with FERK's Ivana Boro Tomic on Her Journey in Bosnia and Herzegovina's Energy Sector and Finding Her Voice
Published in October 2022, this feature story contains an interview with Ivana Boro Tomic, who graduated in October 2021 from the first group of the Advancing Women Leaders in Energy initiative's Mid-Career Track, to learn more about her experiences as a woman in the BIH energy sector and how she has put what she has learned into practice.
January 26, 2024
Bangladesh Regulator Prepares to Conduct Energy Audits for Thermal Power Plants, Increase Energy Efficiency
Published in May 2023, this feature story highlights support for the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission to develop an Energy Audit Manual for Thermal Power Plants and accompanying Annexures that will enable the regulator to conduct energy audits for thermal power plants.
January 26, 2024
Central Asian Countries Map Next Steps in Energy Sector Development through Participation in Regional Regulatory Partnership
Published in October 2020, this feature story highlights support for Central Asian regulators through the establishment of a regional regulatory partnership with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and the Kyrgyz Republic.
January 26, 2024
Central Asian Regulators Take Steps to Protect Vulnerable Customers through Tariff Design
Published in October 2023, this feature story highlights support for Central Asian regulators to implement tariff methodologies that are fair to all customers by identifying and classifying customer groups accurately so that they can design tariffs and pricing strategies appropriately.
January 26, 2024
Energy Regulators from Armenia and North Macedonia Make Progress in Cyber Preparedness
Published in April and May of 2020, respectively, “The Utility Regulator's Role in Promoting Cybersecurity: Resilience, Risk Assessment, and Standards” and “Evaluating the Prudency of Cybersecurity Investments: Guidelines for Energy Regulators” are two publications meant to empower energy regulators to strengthen their cyber preparedness and increase grid resilience Published in January 2021, this feature story follows up with regulators from both Armenia’s Public Services Regulatory Commission and the Energy and Water Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of North Macedonia to track the progress they have made in relation to the key themes of each publication.
January 26, 2024
Georgian Regulator 'Pays it Forward' by Sharing Best Practices Learned from USAID & NARUC Assistance with Regulators from Around the World
Published in September 2022, this feature story highlights how even as GNERC representatives play a key role in USAID’s and NARUC’s work in the Europe & Eurasia region, in recent years, GNERC regulatory staff have, in turn, become expert volunteers for USAID and NARUC in Africa and Asia. By sharing their expertise with other regulators from around the world, they have been able to ‘pay forward’ the assistance they received from USAID and NARUC in the past, as well refine their understanding of regulatory concepts, hone their presentation skills, and expand their professional networks.
January 26, 2024
International Cooperation through Papua New Guinea Electrification Partnership (PEP) Assists Regulators in Meeting Ambitious Energy Targets
Published in June 2020, this feature story highlights NARUC support f regulators in Papua New Guinea as they work hard to meet electrification targets set by the government of PNG and supported by the Papua New Guinea Electrification Partnership (PEP), a joint effort by the governments of PNG, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan that aims to connect 70% of the country’s population to electricity by 2030
January 26, 2024
Mentorship as a Tool to Increase Women's Empowerment in the Energy Sector
Published in October 2023, this feature story highlights the Advancing Women Leaders in Energy initiative's mentoring component. Mentorship opportunities are an important way of improving gender equity by providing female energy sector employees with access to a wider professional network. Mentoring cultivates female employees’ ability to overcome challenges as well as provides them with fresh perspectives and constructive feedback that can help to maximize their career growth.
January 26, 2024
New USAID & NARUC “Advancing Women Leaders in Energy” Project to Promote Gender Equity within Energy Regulatory Agencies in Europe and Eurasia
Published in November 2020, this feature story describes the USAID and NARUC Advancing Women Leaders in Energy initiative. This initiative supports promising mid-career professionals in energy regulatory agencies across Europe and Eurasia through tailored training and mentorship to advance their careers as leaders of the region’s energy sector. It also aims to transform socio-cultural norms and policies within regulatory agencies to build a more inclusive workforce.
January 26, 2024
Nigerian Regulator Moves Toward Cost-Reflective Tariff Methodology for the Energy Sector
This feature story was published in September 2023. It chronicles the USAID and NARUC nine-part series of training modules on fundamental tariff issues to enhance the technical capabilities of NERC staff in carrying out detailed reviews of cost of service information and rate design as part of its regular and extraordinary tariff reviews. The training modules have provided NERC with knowledge across key topics that will enable it to strengthen customer confidence, facilitate cost recovery for utilities, and attract prospective investors to the Nigerian power sector.
January 26, 2024
North Macedonia Regulator Adopts Cybersecurity Rules, Takes on Leading Role in Securing Energy Sector Protection and Resilience
Published in June 2023, this feature story highlights support for the North Macedonian regulator to adopt new Cybersecurity Rules, which will be integral to implementing cybersecurity standards in the energy sector, strengthening the sector’s resilience, and protecting critical energy infrastructure.
January 26, 2024
Promoting Women's Participation in Energy Regulation: Zambian Interns Tell All
Published in March 2023, this feature story contains an interview with Zambian interns Katayi Katanga and Muyoba Likando to learn about their experiences with Zambia’s Energy Regulation Board. The following interview allowed us to get a closer look at their experiences during the Women in Energy Regulation Internship Program, what they learned from it, and how it influenced their potential career paths.
January 26, 2024
Reflections from Armenian Commissioner Sergey Aghinyan on the Value of Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Among Energy Regulators from Around the World
Published in February 2023, this feature story features an interview with PSRC Commissioner Sergey Aghinyan. While PSRC staff are increasing their technical knowledge and skillsets through USAID and NARUC trainings and support, they have also started to share the knowledge they have gained from previous regulatory assistance by serving as expert volunteers for USAID and NARUC activities in other regions of the world.
January 26, 2024
Regulators from Armenia, Georgia, and Kosovo Use Demand Forecasting Tools to Promote Informed Infrastructure Investment
Published in August 2023, this feature story highlights support for the national regulatory authorities of Armenia, Georgia, and Kosovo to develop demand forecasting tools that provide insight on medium- to long-term demand for energy commodities based on historical timeseries data.
January 26, 2024
Regulators from Eswatini and Togo Take Steps to Increase Sector Financial Viability and Service Quality
Published in December 2023, this feature story highlights support for the Eswatini Energy Regulatory Authority and Togo’s Autorité de Réglementation du Secteur de l'Electricité around quality of service and economic regulation.
January 26, 2024
Regulators in Southern Africa Make Progress Towards Promoting Cross-Border Electricity Trade
Published in November 2021, this feature story highlights support for energy regulators in Southern Africa as they work to increase electricity reliability and access by further harmonizing their power sectors and improving conditions for cross-border electricity trade.
January 26, 2024
Rwandan Regulator Supports Increased Adoption of Captive Power and Distributed Energy Resources, Integration of Renewable Energy Technologies onto the Grid
Published in October 2022, this feature story highlights support for the Rwandan regulator to draft a regulation for distributed energy resources (DERs). Establishing a regulation for licensing and use of DERs in Rwanda will increase regulatory certainty and create an enabling environment for private sector investment in DER technology in Rwanda.
January 26, 2024
Senegalese Regulators Make Progress towards Diversifying the Energy Market and Creating a Healthy Investment Climate
Published in May 2021, this feature story highlights support for the Senegalese regulator around increasing Senegal’s generation capacity by gaining the knowledge needed to further integrate natural gas into the energy mix. Additionally, the regulator is taking steps to create an enabling environment for investment in the power sector through enhancing transparency and efficiency within the power procurement process.
January 26, 2024
Takeaways from the Women in Energy Internship Program with Georgian Interns Keti Tevzadze and Nutsa Meunargia
Published in November 2023, this feature story contains and interview with two interns placed at GNERC – Keti Tevzadze, who worked with GNERC’s Electricity Department, and Nutsa Meunargia, who worked with GNERC’s Legal Department – to learn about their experiences during the Advancing Women Leaders in Energy internship program.
January 26, 2024
Tanzanian Utility Regulator Spearheads Stakeholder Agreement to Strengthen Natural Gas Pipeline Safety
Published in August 2021, this feature story highlights how, in October 2020, following NARUC regulatory support on pipeline safety, the Tanzanian regulator drafted and facilitated the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for Protection of Underground Infrastructure in the Shared Wayleave with natural gas industry stakeholders, including utility companies and wayleave owners. Through this achievement, it took a significant step towards diminishing risks that threaten the public health and safety of citizens in nearby communities and the environment.
January 26, 2024
Ugandan Regulators Draft Isolated Grid System Regulation to Achieve Rural Electrification Goals
Published in August 2020, this feature story highlights support for the Ugandan regulator to update Uganda’s Isolated Grid System Regulation, which will be instrumental in increasing rural electrification through small scale generation systems.
January 26, 2024
West African Regulator Advances Toward Goal of Developing Regional Power Market
Published in June 2023, this feature story highlights support for the ECOWAS Regional Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERERA) through the development of a Functional Model on System Reliability and Electricity Market Design and accompanying Gap Analysis Report, which complement each other to provide a framework to develop reliability and market operations standards applicable to the power systems and electricity markets within the ECOWAS region.
January 26, 2024
Women in Energy Regulation Internship Program Works to Advance Gender Equity in Africa
Published in May 2020, this feature story describes how, with support from USAID and Power Africa, NARUC is working to advance the cause of gender equity within the energy regulatory community through the Women in Energy Regulation Internship Program.
January 26, 2024
Zambian Regulator Embraces Public Outreach Strategy to Promote Transparency and Build Trust with the Public and Energy Sector Stakeholders
Published in January 2022, this feature story highlights support for the Zambian regulator to draft a new Communications and Visibility Strategy (CVS) for the period 2021-2025. The CVS, which replaces the previous communication strategy that lapsed in 2021, will help the ERB to effectively communicate its mandate and strengthen relations with energy sector stakeholders.
January 26, 2024
Zambian Regulators Advance Framework to Support Off-Grid Electricity Development
June 2019
January 26, 2024
Zambian Regulators Demonstrate Ongoing Commitment to Gender Equity in the Energy Sector by Hosting NARUC Women in Energy Regulation Internship Program
Published in November 2020, this feature story highlights how the Energy Regulatory Board (ERB) of Zambia became the newest host commission to participate in the Women in Energy Regulation Internship Program, organized by NARUC with funding support from USAID and Power Africa. Through their participation, the ERB has demonstrated continued dedication to increasing gender equity and empowering women in the workplace.
December 8, 2023
Les régulateurs de l'Eswatini et du Togo prennent des mesures pour améliorer la viabilité financière du secteur et la qualité des services
This is a French translation of a feature story published in December 2023.
March 8, 2023
An Interview with Tanzanian Interns on their Professional Development and the Importance of Female Representation in the Energy Sector
Published in March 2023, this feature story features an interview with Tanzanian interns and their experiences during the Women in Energy Regulation Internship Program, their views on the importance of supporting female representation in the energy sector, and what valuable lessons they have learned from hands-on training in the field.
August 4, 2022
Georgian Regulator ‘Pays it Forward’ by Sharing Best Practices Learned from USAID & NARUC Assistance with Regulators from Around the World (Georgian translation)
This is the Georgian translation of this feature story.
November 14, 2021
New Cost of Service Study Manual Developed to Help Ethiopian Energy Sector Stakeholders Design Cost-Based Electricity Rates and Expand Electricity Access
Published in November 2021, this feature story highlights support for the Ethiopian regulator through the production of a Cost of Service Study (COSS) Manual to guide Ethiopian energy sector stakeholders in conducting a future COSS and enabling the development of cost-reflective electricity tariffs.
January 26, 2021
Tanzanian Regulators Make Strides in Unlocking Energy Sector Potential through Safe Expansion of Natural Gas Utilization
Published in January 2021, this feature story highlights support for the Tanzanian regulator to safely expand the use of locally-produced natural gas, which is growing in importance as a sustainable energy source and an economic stimulator.
October 26, 2020
Albania Establishes First-Ever Cybersecurity Regulation for the Electricity Sector
Published in October 2020, this feature story highlights how the Albanian Energy Regulatory Authority approved the country’s first-ever cybersecurity regulation for the electricity sector, titled “Regulation on Cybersecurity of Electricity Sector Critical Infrastructure.” In doing so, they have established incident reporting criteria and requirements that electricity system operators can use to assess and improve their cybersecurity maturity as well as their protection and response capabilities.
July 13, 2020
Ethiopian Regulator Drives Investment in the Energy Sector through Improved Financial Reporting
Published in July 2020, this feature story highlights support for the Ethiopian regulator to implement a Uniform System of Accounts, which will help to strengthen Ethiopia’s regulatory frameworks to oversee the energy sector and attract the investment the country needs to expand electricity access.
July 10, 2020
Ethiopian Regulator Approves Groundbreaking Mini-Grid Directive, Improves Licensing Process, Paving the Way for Increased Electrification
Published in June 2021, this feature story highlights the Ethiopian regulator's collaboration with NARUC to finalize Ethiopia’s Mini-Grid Directive, which establishes a transparent regulatory framework that will support the country as it works towards achieving its electrification goals of expanding access to sustainable, affordable, and reliable electricity.
February 28, 2018
Tanzanian Officials Agree on Key Plan to Improve Energy System Through Time-of-Use Rates
This feature story was published in 2018. The Tanzania Action Plan for Implementation of Time of Use Tariffs Pilot Project outlines the steps needed to implement the pilot project for time-of-use rates for the three key stakeholders – the government-owned utility TANESCO, the Tanzanian Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) and the Tanzania Ministry of Energy (MoE). This feature story highlights how the action plan was agreed upon during an exchange supported by USAID, Power Africa, and NARUC.
February 28, 2017
Tanzanian Regulator Advances Key Pipeline Safety Rules
This feature story was published in 2017. As Tanzanians increasingly depend on natural gas to keep their power plants running, the country’s energy regulator is tasked with developing rules to ensure that the natural gas system operates safely and reliably. This feature story notes how progress is being made, as the regulator advanced key safety rules for midstream and downstream gas activities through the assistance of USAID, Power Africa, and NARUC.
September 23, 2016
In-Depth Trainings Offer Critical Skills and Capacity to Regulators
Published in September 2016, this feature story chronicles how, with USAID support, NARUC collaborates with leading U.S. academic institutions and international partners to provide critical training to energy regulators in emerging economies on regulatory fundamentals and best practices.
March 24, 2016
Southeast Asian Regulators Work to Advance Energy Security
With the support of the U.S. Department of State, NARUC identified that regulators in Southeast Asia did not have a formal channel to convene and share information in support of cross-border trade and regional grid optimization. NARUC created workshops to supplement the dialogue already occurring in the region by ensuring that regulators had a platform to collaborate to advance regional market development.
February 16, 2016
Ethiopians Work To Lay Groundwork For Sound Electricity System
Published in February 2016, this feature story highlights support for the Ethiopian regulator as it called for the country’s major utilities to move ahead on a cost of service study.
January 25, 2016
Black Sea Feature Story
This feature story notes how the members of the Black Sea Regulatory Initiative (BSRI) finalized the “Principles of Regulation to Promote Energy Efficiency in the Black Sea Region.” BSRI representatives also finalized an action plan in on how to select pilot projects and address regulatory challenges to bolstering efficiency practices.
January 25, 2016
Collaboration Guides Mexican Energy Officials on Path to Reform
This feature story highlights support for Mexican officials as they navigate the country’s sweeping plans to open the electricity market to merchant generators and restructure electricity rates. Aiming to attract private investment and stimulate economic growth, the reforms require the country to shift toward cleaner sources of energy, select the lowest cost resources available, and maintain a high standard of reliability.
January 25, 2016
East African Regulators Move Forward On Cross-Border Trade
This feature story highlights support for regulators across East Africa to improve and harmonize their regulatory practices, specifically on how to create a regulatory tool called a Uniform System of Accounts.
January 25, 2016
NARUC Brings Nigerians Together On Cost-Reflective Tariffs
Under the Power Africa initiative and with the support of USAID, NARUC experts are educating regulators and energy providers on how to accurately reflect the cost of power generation, transmission, and distribution. This effort comes as part of NARUC’s ongoing partnership with the Nigerian regulator.
January 25, 2016
New Regulations Help Tanzanian Power Plant Fire Up
This feature story highlights support for the Tanzanian regulator to adopt the framework necessary to support construction of a major pipeline bringing gas to the plant. With more pipelines and power plants on the horizon, greater regulatory capacity and smart, effective regulations for the gas system will help Tanzania move forward.