Help new NARUC members feel welcome, enhance their knowledge about NARUC, navigate opportunities to be involved in NARUC and provide a resource to them for questions as they begin their terms as commissioners.
Turnover on commissions is a constant, with new commissioners appointed each year. As new members are appointed, we would like them to be engaged and active members of NARUC. NARUC currently offers two programs focused on new commissioners: (1) new commissioner training; and (2) new commissioner orientation. Although those provide opportunities to learn about issues facing commissioners and the basics of NARUC, we don’t have a longer term or personal way to engage new commissioners.
NARUC meetings can be overwhelming to new commissioners, with typically at least 1,000 attendees per meeting. Implementing an ambassador program provides another avenue for new commissioners to engage with NARUC and ask questions of fellow commissioners about NARUC or policy issues in a one-on-one setting. The program also helps foster relationships. Some commissioners have a good network and relationship with the colleagues on their commission but that is not the case for everyone. The Ambassador Program can play an important role for new commissioners. Participation by new members is optional.
We maintain a list of current commissioners who are willing to serve as an ambassador for new commissioners for the calendar year. The new commissioner and ambassador would be matched for one year.