The National Council on Electricity Policy (NCEP) is a platform for all state-level electricity decision-makers to share and learn from diverse perspectives on the evolving electricity sector. NCEP facilitates an annual meeting for members and the broader energy community to explore multiple perspectives on complex electricity system issues.
Save the date for the 2025 NCEP Annual Meeting, September 30 - October 1.
The 2024 NCEP Annual Meeting focused on pressing issues that benefit from community engagement, sharing promising approaches to develop trust and partnerships with communities, and identifying potential areas for collaboration among state policy-makers for more effective community engagement.
The 2023 NCEP Annual Meeting focused on collaborative approaches to addressing immediate and long-term electricity affordability issues, Sept 27-28. On Sept. 26-27, NCEP held an optional EV charging site visit and pre-workshop on achieving value for customers in the electrified transportation transition.
View the final agenda and speaker bios, as well as presentations on the role of the regulator, using data to unveil hidden energy poverty, centering community in affordability program design, and stakeholder engagement.
Customers are no longer just users of power. Like the grid is modernizing and evolving, the role and expectations of the customer is, and will continue to, change. The electric system of the future will require all types of customers to be active participants in providing reliable, resilient, just, and affordable electricity. Join the NCEP to explore the new ways customers are performing critical functions on the grid, the associated burdens and concerns, what knowledge and tools they need, and how policy makers and the industry at large can think about preparing for the future.
View the Meeting Agenda, Speaker Bios, Day 1 Presentations, and Day 2 Presentations
Background and Objectives of Multi-Year Theme: T&D Interfaces
At the 2018 Annual Meeting and Workshop, the National Council on Electricity Policy (NCEP) gathered state decision-makers and stakeholders to discuss the state of interfaces between distribution and transmission systems in light of increasing installation of distributed energy resources (DERs). In 2019, NCEP further explored this topic by focusing on transmission, distribution, and customer (TDC) system operational needs and their influence on planning and markets. In 2020, NCEP explored states’ roles in developing and managing markets and questions of who pays and how, in light of granular information across the TDC system. The 2021 meeting expanded these discussions and resources by exploring opportunities and actions steps towards comprehensive or coordinated electricity planning that spans all levels of the electricity system. The NCEP T&D Resource Catalog documents examples and resources from these workshops to support state electricity system decision-makers in learning from experts and one another. View the Meeting Summary.
Multi-Year Objectives
Coordinated Electricity Planning, September 13-15, 2021
In 2021, the National Council on Electricity Policy (NCEP) community of state electricity policy-makers, decision-makers, and implementers explored developments in modern planning techniques and tools to align planning processes across distribution, resource, and transmission planning. NCEP explored:
Evolving Compensation and Market Mechanisms, December 7-9, 2020
In 2020, NCEP explored the age-old utility question of “who pays?” with a new twist from grid modernization: “how?” The modern grid will allow for the exchange of more granular information on electricity use and supply across the distribution and transmission systems. State electricity policy decision-makers explored:
Evolving Transmission, Distribution, and Customer System Coordination, September 11-12, 2019
In 2019, NCEP further explored the topic of interfaces between the distribution and transmission systems by focusing on transmission, distribution, and customer (TDC) system interfaces, taking a closer look at operational needs and their influence on planning and markets.
T&D Intersection, May 8-9, 2018
At the 2018 Annual Meeting and Workshop in Denver, CO, the National Council on Electricity Policy (NCEP) gathered state decision makers and stakeholders to discuss the state of interfaces between distribution and transmission systems in light of increasing distributed energy resources. NCEP explored this evolution and specifically the impact that DERs are and will have on the transmission and distribution systems in the contexts of planning, operations, and markets. Such DERs include energy efficiency, distributed generation (e.g., solar photovoltaics), energy storage, demand response, electric vehicles, and more.
2017 Annual Meeting: Applying Valuation to Baseload, January 5, 2017
Participants explored how baseload power gets incorporated into what consumers pay, impacts of the changing generation fleet on valuation pricing, and how state officials can address this change. Participants identified tools and techniques that attribute value to baseload and develop recommendations and “asks” to research institutions, national laboratories and academia. View Summary.
2016 Annual Meeting: “Blurred Lines” Changing Federal / State Jurisdiction, April 25-26, 2016
Topics included:
Essential EISPC work was conducted, including mapping what technical assistance support from labs, academia, and others will help members deal with changes in jurisdiction.