Serving the Public Interest

Your state’s public service commission regulates vital utilities and services that are integral aspects of our everyday lives. Learn how these important agencies work and how to become constructively engaged.

Participating in Proceedings

How to Prepare Effective Public Testimony or Public Comment

The following are suggestions for preparing effective public testimony or a written public comment in a Public Service Commission case.

1. Identify yourself and your relation to the docket.

  • Are you a customer of the affected utility?
  • Do you live in the project area?
  • Do you operate a business that will be affected by the case?

2. Be specific about your concern.

  • If you are concerned about effects on wildlife, what form of wildlife, and what are you concerned may happen?
  • If you are concerned about effects on your quality of life, what parts of your life will be impacted?
  • If you are concerned about environmental effects, who or what would be harmed if the environmental effects occur, and in what way?
  • If you are concerned about a financial impact, how will the financial impact affect you? What will you need to change about your life if the impact occurs?

3. Explain the basis for your opinion and knowledge.

  • Have you consulted similarly situated members of the public?
  • Have you done research, and if so, what did you research?
  • Do you know of a similar outcome in a comparable situation?
  • Do you have education or training in the subject on which you are commenting?
  • Have you consulted experts on the subject?

4. Propose an alternative.

  • If you do not like a planned construction site, propose a modification to the planned site that would reduce or eliminate the impact you are concerned about.
  • If you do not like a perceived environmental impact, propose a way to reduce or eliminate the impact you are concerned about.
  • If you do not like a perceived effect on your quality of life, propose a way to reduce or eliminate the effect on your quality of life.


(Provided by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin.)